First and last name* Required
Select services of interest. (Select all that apply)*
If there is a particular service, or services, you would like to explore first, which one(s) would they be?
Medical Insurance Underpayment Recovery
What is the nature of your facillity?
What are the approximate gross receipts with the top three insurers ($2M/year minimum)
Uniform and linen rental and laundry cost reduction and recovery
Do you rent or launder?
Are your uniform and linen rentals over $100,000/year?
Merchant account services and credit card processing cost reduction
Requirements: Annual card volume processed (merchant services $125k/year minimum. Strip, Square, etc. $2m/year minimum) Tell us your average yearly cost.
Current ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software system
Approximate yearly accounts payable spend
Commercial accounts payable optimization and automation
Minimum to qualify: $10 Million or more in yearly accounts payable. What is your approximate annual revenue?
Employment screening, drug and alcohol testing
Generally speaking, what are your needs for screening?
About how many screenings and/or tests do need a month?
Do you want instant test kits?
Do you want someone to come to your facility to perform tests?
Do you want to send your people to a screening location?
Employee payroll optimization and automation
How many employees do you have?
Payroll spend/month - approximate
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software system
Telecommunications (Internet and Phone) optimization and cost reduction
Internet provider and annual spend
Telephone provider and annual spend
Do you own property (business)?
If you own property, describe it, please.
If you own property, how may employess do you have?
Shipping integration and optimization
(Minimum to qualify: ship more than 200 packages a day or spend 2M+/year)
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software system
Primary carriers - enter all that you use.
Annual shipping spend — estimated
About how many packages are shipped on average per day?
What do you ship? Select all that apply.
Anything else you would like for us to know?