Thank you for submitting an article

We'll do our best to get back to you within 48-hours to let you know the status of your article.

We discovered people often have the desire to submit more than one article!

If that's you, complete this form for a different article.

Same thing – your contribution (if accepted) will be part of a compilation article with other authors.

Submission does not guarantee inclusion. We'll submit what you write, and upon approval, we'll get back to you so you can make the payment of $900 and be published.

Please complete this form. If you have any questions, schedule a call.

Which topic are you writing about?
If you know the name of the publiction, write it here
You can type your article here, or prepare it in another program then copy and paste it here. Your article is between 200-400 words. If accepted, the editorial staff will edit it for clarity, brevity, and to ensure it is congruent with the theme of the whole article.
0 of 2500
Full name

Phone (Not for publication; so we can get in touch with you.)

Your website
Email list size (So we have some idea as to what the reach of the article can be.)
Social media reach (So we have some idea as to what the reach of the article can be.)
Comments, or what else would you like for us to know?
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